Click HERE to learn more about resources and opportunities for graduate students.
Undergraduate Students
Click HERE to learn more about resources and opportunities for graduate students.
Prospective Students
Are you a soon-to-be graduate student interested in a research career? Are you an undergraduate looking to build your resume with research experience? Are you just interested in learning more about the research happening in HES?
Graduate students can find financial support in the form of graduate assistantships and fellowships to help cover the cost of tuition. These are competitive so put together a strong application and submit early.
Graduate students can request research funding from the UA Graduate School to help cover research expenses and for travel to present at a research conference. Conferences are a great place to showcase your research and network with other researchers in your field.
Graduate students can tryout for the UA Graduate School's 3-Minute Thesis competition. Contestants from across UA compete and the top finishers earn cash prizes. The overall winner advances to represent UA in the regional competition.
Resources & Opportunities
UA's Emerging Scholars Program partners students with faculty researchers. Usually these involve at least year-long partnership where the student and faculty member collaborate on a specific project.
Students enrolled in UA's Honors College can complete an honors thesis. A faculty member mentors the student through the thesis process, usually during the student's junior or senior year.